A downloadable Zine

Buy Now$3.00 USD or more

This is the overview of the Metazine Project we have been working on.

There are physical copies of this which will be available on our Ko-Fi.  Currently we haven't listed them, as we are waiting for a bit for that (how much energy we have mainly).  

Also, if you prefer you can get electronic copies through the Ko-Fi Listing for Volume 0.  

This is a project where we are going through the process of documenting how to make a zine.  This volume will be updated as we get more volumes produced, others will be updated if there are updates along the way.

Volume 1 has been produced, and it's a bit of an introduction which will allow you to produce a zine like this, though there's probably parts missing.  

There are community copies available, and sales will increase the numbers of community copies available.  


Buy Now$3.00 USD or more

In order to download this Zine you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $3 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Metazine-Volume-0-Version-1.1.1-Singles.pdf 1.9 MB
Metazine-Volume-0-Version-1.1.1-Spreads.pdf 1.9 MB

Community Copies

Support this Zine at or above a special price point to receive something exclusive.

Claim Community Copy

If you are in a marginalized community and would like to have a copy of this (or any of my other, products (prices will be increasing shortly I think)) then you can claim a community copy.

We don't ask that people prove that they need a community copy, but if you would like to leave a message which will be shared if it's not inappropriate (and may be edited if it contains OK stuff, which shouldn't be made public) feel free to leave a message.  

Community Copy Donation

Purchase community copies to go into the community copy pool.

We have started with 5 copies to covers supporters from other platforms, and will manually add new ones with purchases of this, as well as purchases of the zine itself.  

You may leave a message, these will be included if they are appropriate both in future versions of the zine, and on this page.  

Thank you for your donation.

Development log


Log in with itch.io to leave a comment.

I think I should do a bit of an update on the community copies thing.  I wasn't aware I could test it myself.  Two different people told me, "it works" but I wasn't seeing any copies which actually had been claimed.  So briefly...

You can click on 'claim copy' and then either put a price in which is at least $3.00 (I'm not sure if that's the minimum amount that Itch will process, or if it's because that's what the minimum purchase price is), or click on "no thanks, just take me to the downloads".  Once you have done one or the other you have it officially purchased.  

But...  I do want to do a proper "Development Log" of obtaining the community copies.  As well as a fuller one of setting it up.  

Also thank you everyone who tried it out, and finally my testing it on my own.  And yeah, I now own a copy of my own zine here.